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Louis Busico Secures Positive Outcome for Teen in Controversial Stun Gun Case

Teen Hit with Stun Gun Could Escape Juvenile Record

By Laurie Mason Schroeder, Staff Writer

The 14-year-old Bristol Township boy who was at the center of a controversy about Tullytown police subduing him with a stun gun following an alleged shoplifting incident had his day in court Friday.

The teen, who isn’t being named because of his age, entered into a consent decree before Bucks County Juvenile Court Judge Jeffrey Finley in Doylestown. As part of the agreement, the teen didn’t have to admit guilt and won’t have a juvenile record if he stays out of trouble for six months.

“The family is very happy with this result,” said the teen’s attorney, Louis Busico. “It gives (the teen) the opportunity to maintain a pristine record and have a successful and productive future.”

The teen’s case made national news in November after his mother posted photos of his battered face on social media sites. One of the stun gun barbs had lodged in his cheek and his nose was broken when he fell on his face while his hands were cuffed behind him.

His family accused Tullytown police of brutality and called for an independent prosecutor to investigate the incident.

District Attorney David Heckler reviewed the case and found no police misconduct. He said police officers legally used the stun gun to stop the teen from running into Route 13 traffic. He and an adult relative were detained after allegedly stealing items at the Wal-Mart in Tullytown.

In an interview last month, a spokesman for the teen’s mother said the family would continue to seek an outside probe and planned to ask President Obama for help.

Busico said the consent decree, which is similar to the Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) program in adult court, was the result of his discussions with the DA’s office. He said he’s confident the teen won’t have any future brushes with the law.

“He’s a soft-spoken, highly intelligent young man who has been dealt a bad hand in certain areas of his life. But he enjoys the undying support of his mother and intends to make her proud,” the attorney said.

The hearing Friday was closed to the public, and the teen and his mother left the courthouse immediately after the proceeding. Busico said the teen was eager to spend the weekend watching sports.

“He’s a huge Eagles fan and is ecstatic that Tony Romo is not playing in Sunday’s game (with Dallas),” Busico said.

Laurie Mason Schroeder: 215-694-7489; email:; Twitter: @BucksCourts


This case underscores the importance of compassionate and skilled legal representation. Louis Busico’s efforts have given this young man a chance to move past a troubling incident and look forward to a brighter future.


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